Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Note on Making Comments

It has come to my attention that, unfortunately, Blogger's websites (like mine) do not have the most approachable comment box features. For my blog, you simply like "comment" which leads you to a new page with an empty comment box. The strange part is it seems like they expect you to have your own account with only a handful of other sites if you wish to post a comment.

Notice though, that the option "Name/URL" is listed. Choosing this is the easiest way to post a comment. You are by no means required to put any information in the URL box, you can simply leave your name.

I also recommend you all take a look at my nephew Christian's blog, Its done very nicely and updated often! I'm going to recommend that he change his options for commenting on his blog, as it appears his is currently set up to require you to have an account with Google or one of the other few sites Blogger associates with. Because his site definitely deserves comments!

Christian in India

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Hey Jesse! I didn't know you had a blog :) You've become quite the world traveller! Wishing you the best over in China!